Covid Vaccination platform

The Federal Office of Public Health was in need of a platform to propose to the Swiss cantons for the management and automation of their Vaccination sign-up program.


Build a white-label platform for the general public that can be customized individually by all cantons, where people can answer a questionnaire to check if they are eligible for vaccination. Should they qualify, they can then sign up for an appointment.

Additionally, all data is hosted on a highly available and scalable cloud platform that can handle large amounts of traffic.


Using the Laravel framework, we implemented a system to generate questionnaires that can be customized by each canton, for all types of vaccinations and age groups. This is then fed into a Rule Engine that calculates the eligibility of the patient.

After signing up, the platform runs background tasks to try and find pairs of appointments ~28 days apart in available vaccination centers.

Further backend systems include a highly extensible and scalable cloud hosting platform running on Kubernetes, in addition to reporting and statistics generators.

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